Song: "The Puddle Creek Song"
Folks are singing the Puddle Creek song, with a smile and a hum and a rum tum tum.
Bo Bug sat on a rock down by the creek, and talked to the water as if it could speak. Where are you Bud it's getting late, the fire's burning down.
I'll say a little Puddle prayer that you are safe and sound.
The world goes 'round and 'round we know. It takes all kinds to make it go. I am special and so are you. And... the world goes 'round and 'round.
Hip Hip Hooray, Hip Hip Hooray, because of teamwork we were saved today. Together we stand, divided we fall, teamworks the key to save us all. Hip Hip Hooray, Hip Hip Hooray!
This is the musical version of our book, Adventures in Puddle Creek - The Value of Teamwork.
Manny Chipmunk lives in Puddle Creek and has ADHD. He wrote this song and wants to share it with other kidlets who learn the way he does. This active little guy is smart, creative, healthy, and is working on a shirt and shorts line. Wuggleberry tea is one of his favorite treats. Go Manny!