Nothing says love to me more than waking up with a Basset Hound ear wrapped around my neck.
Winnie Lu the keeper of my heart and her precious 4-year-old self, stretches out on the bed like a limo. She is rested and ready for a breakfast worthy of Basset champions.
First, I have to kiss her ears, cheeks and paws. It’s part of our routine. It’s the way we roll.
It feels so good to wake up feeling rested, with no aches in my age appropriate body. I’m strong and
healthy and ready to handle whatever the day might bring. I'm trying to act cool, but within hours Puddle Creek will reach another milestone in its development.
As we find our way to the kitchen, I stop to open a window and can smell the earthy notes of the freshly cut lawn. I can’t help but notice the blooming, bright and sturdy flowers, that are pointing their buds towards the warmth of the sun. A clear salute to Mother Nature.
I turn on The Carpenters Greatest Hits album and sing along as if every note is my story.
While Winnie Lu has been my captive audience and has patiently been waiting for her dog bowl to be
filled, she’s letting me know that she’s had enough. She pushes it toward me with a high five and a serenade. The girl is so smart. While she eats, I sit down to a fresh, hot, aromatic cup of coffee. An imperfect, bruised banana fits nicely in my bowl of yogurt, strawberries, blueberries, and granola… I feel grateful.
I glance at my phone. I have 75 messages in my junk folder and 25 in my inbox. There are also a few
voice mails. Two are from the kids, one from the office, and another important one from Procter & Gamble. We love their products and what the company stands for. Their "Lead With Love" campaign is what Puddle Creek is all about.
As I listen to their message, it hits me that we are seated at the table with incredible visionaries and innovators. What a complete honor.
I know I’ve had victories in my life, and the kids are certainly my gold statues, but this moment makes
me feel like my instincts have found their value. With hard work and perseverance, our dreams can come true. I'm tearing up.
They congratulate our team on a successful addition to the Pampers line.
My heart is racing, as we are about to launch Puddle Creek Pampers - “Stop a leak with Puddle Creek.”
The first commercial for the “Rock Star” campaign starts running today and Richard Marx (our first
Rock Star) is starring in it. Because he's a parent and a grandparent, he has probably purchased a diaper or two. That's the point. Everyone buys diapers. Even ROCK STARS! So many music legends female and male, with a varied age demographic, are on our wish list for these commercials.
How fun to work with super moms Meghan Trainor, Rhianna, Pink, Kelly Clarkson, Mickey Guyton and mega cool dads, John Legend, The Jonas Brothers, Michael Bolton and Lenny Kravitz. Can you imagine Gene Simmons and KISS singing our jingle, or Reba? Bring in Jelly Roll, and it's a party. They would all really rock the Puddle Creek Pampers line! What a campaign!
Now, I need to get going and Winnie Lu follows me to the bedroom. It’s time to get dressed and head to Puddle Creek Productions. Her babysitter should be here in about an hour, and she jumps on the bed to catch a few additional winks. Of course, I must get some more kisses in. She’s the best blood pressure regulator in the whole world.
I look at my closet filled with clothes I may or may not fit into. Today’s a big day. Do I dress as a Puddle Creek corporate ambassador or go comfortable and casual?
It's a special day and Friday, so it’s black jeans, long jacket and my worn, favorite pair of Nikes. I’ll put
my high heels in my purse just in case.
Next is makeup. As I look in the mirror, I see a more mature me, with the etchings of life on my face. My long hair reminds me I’m a proud member of the baby boomer generation… and I have to be me. It’s quite wonderful to get to this point where I’m adjusted with who I am, what I look like and where I’m at in life.
The sound of the doorbell rings, breaking my trance and Winnie Lu jumps off the bed. She loves Lilly her babysitter and knows it will be a day of treats and fun.
I kiss Winnie good-bye and make my way to the garage. My pearl colored, Hyundai Tucson SUV, that needs to be washed and detailed, will carry me safely to the office. I bought it after my animated series “Adventures in Puddle Creek” got picked up and I love it!
As I pull up to the production office in Burbank, I can see that my team has put big pink, blue, yellow and green balloons on my parking spot post. It looks like a Pampers box on parade. This is what I imagine riding on a shooting star feels like.
My son Bobby’s mint condition VW Bug is in his parking spot on one side of me. His parking sign says, “All For One Productions.” He is a writer, producer and has great instincts for directing and editing. My daughter Kimberlee's SUV is already parked in the spot on the other side of me, and it says, "Photo’s by Lotta." (www.lotta.photo) She's a photographer/actress and has an amazing eye for catching the most raw and organic shots. We each have our own offices, and it’s great to be so close and to collaborate throughout the day.
I make it into the building and my legs are shaking. I find myself alone in the elevator and want to scream. My heart is beating loud and strong as if I’m sharing the ride with ZZ Top. I’m feeling a little overwhelmed, with the kind of anticipation you experience when a new baby arrives. Today is delivery day. I’ve been writing screenplays, learning my craft and working on Puddle Creek for years. It's surreal to see this piece of my dream coming to fruition. A real overnight sensation!!!
Inside the office are big colorful pillars with pictures of all the Puddle Creek characters on them. Banners are strapped to the walls that say “I know, what I know, what I know. It’s the thing I’ve told all of the kids since they took their first breath. That and… you alone are enough.
When I turn the corner, Bobby, Kim, Paul (Son-in-Law and bonus Son) Brandon (Grandson) Kaylee (Granddaughter) Charlie Rose (Granddog & Super Model) and Aunt Sandy (Sister a.k.a. Clara Rabbit) greet me with tears in their eyes. It's pretty precious.
All the hours and years of dreaming, writing, drawing, sewing, singing, dancing and pitching Puddle Creek have paid off. My piece of advice to everyone is -- DON'T QUIT YOUR DAYDREAM!
The big screen T.V. in the lobby is on and primed to show the commercial as scheduled. Charlie Rose
stands by my side wearing a pink dress, a custom pair of Puddle Creek Converse (PC Stompers) and a hat. She's the cutest Frenchton ever, and one of my models for the Puddle Creek Collection of clothes, shoes, pillows, toys and many other products. Sometimes she gives me a little attitude. But... boy does she know how to work me. Full disclosure, I have been known to bribe her with a few dog cookies. Don't tell her mom and dad though.
Oh my gosh, here it is. Everyone goes silent. My heart is pounding. The jingle, the commercial with the little kids, and Richard Marx singing, introducing Puddle Creek Pampers to the world. We did it! Major thanks to Procter & Gamble for giving us this opportunity.
We’re all emotional wrecks, but in the best possible way. This was a team effort and it’s time to
celebrate. Bottles of champagne and sparkling apple juice are uncorked, and we make a toast to this major accomplishment. Additionally, there’s a tray of Cherry Mash candy mounds, the kind Sandy and I coveted as children.
The phones start ringing and it’s showtime. People are just as excited over the commercials as we are.
My friend Lislie is the first one to call. She has supported all of our dreams from the beginning and
always says, “Reach for the stars, Sherry Berry.”
As I try to catch my breath, I’m reminded that with all these blessings, the real important work never
stops. We all must strive to make a difference in our world, by caring, loving, and helping each other.
I’m proud of the Puddle Creek Foundation that was set up and designed to help children in need. That’s my true heart’s desire. It makes me sad to think of the innocence lost by physical, emotional, and financial instability. I want to go the distance. It’s important.
Bobby and Kim take off, as they are in the final stages of approving the editing for “Down Came the
Rain.” (www.downcametherain.com) We had the best time filming the movie and Bobby did some directing in it. Kimberlee did the best work of her acting career. (Check IMDB - Kimberlee Peterson) This little low budget project will make some noise. The only way to be heard is by believing in your dreams, working hard and hanging on to your authentic sparkle. It wasn't easy getting this movie made but we did it!
That experience and my love for independent film, inspires me to get our other volumes of scripts into production.
Just when the day can’t get much better, I answer a call from my Agent, “Adventures in Puddle Creek”
has been nominated for a daytime Emmy in best children’s programming. This has to be a dream!
As if this isn’t the most extraordinary day already, Bobby finds out that his passion project, “Below the Surface” has made it into the Sundance Film Festival.
The final cherry on the cake, is that Kimberlee is doing a photo shoot with Barbra Streisand at her home in Malibu. (www.lotta.photo)
Anyone that knows me, can tell you she’s my favorite entertainer in the whole universe and I’m beside
myself. The pictures will be beautiful. Hello gorgeous! (Funny Girl 1968) Way to go kid!
A limo pulls up in front of our building to pick up Aunt Sandy, Brandon, Kaylee, and Paul. They are heading to the airport and Colorado bound. On the way there, they are going to drop Paul off at his growing and innovative IT company. Their busy lives await them.
Winnie and I will be going back to Colorado soon, for a much-needed vacation and decompression. I
love Colorado. The people, the pace of life and the beauty is unparallel to any other place I’ve lived. I plan on retiring there. I’m so grateful and I don’t take any of this good fortune for granted.
Brandon, my social butterfly Grandson, is using his Psychology Degree on staff at a private school. His life and girlfriend are perfect for him, and he’s on track to achieving his goals.
Kaylee, my dramatic and artistic Granddaughter, just finished a degree in childhood education. She’s going with a group of friends and her boyfriend on a Disney cruise.
Aunt Sandy who retired from her job in the non-profit world, is doing stand-up at local Denver comedy clubs. She's found her audience and I’ve never seen her happier. I understand she’s been wearing the red boa I sent her in the act. That little vixen!
Life isn't perfect, because we are all live human beings. It gets messy sometimes. Behind the scenes just like eveyone else, we're doing our personal best and learning lessons along the way. But for now I'm grateful and can see the fruits of our labor, after the many years of hitting the pavement.
I’m going home to my Winnie Lu and hope my mom and two dads that left us way too early, are smiling down on us with pride.
As I approach my SUV, I notice a delicate sparrow that's sitting on my hood. She looks at me, and I know it’s my little Momma. She always said, “just get it done Sherry” with the cutest Italian accent and such conviction in her soul. I blow her a little kiss and tell her, “We did it Mom. We really did it.” Her little wings start to flutter, and she takes flight going toward the rays from the sun. In the span of a second, she’s gone. I miss her so much but feel comfort in knowing she's always in my heart.
Suddenly, two butterflies appear as if from thin air. Their colors are extraordinary, and I can see a
mesmerizing, shiny glow on their wings, that shimmers like gold. They hover in slow motion, enough for me to feel their message. It’s kind of a heart-to-heart connection. I know they are proud of me.
It’s my precious Dad Jim, and my co-dad by life and love, Harold. The gang is all here. I blink my eyes
and they are gone. I'm filled with so much emotion, I don't know what to do with it.
I listen to music all the way home, and cry. The salt in my tears, stings my face and I know it’s a cathartic emotional purge. It’s the release of dreams from childhood and that scared little girl, who felt lost in a storm growing up.Thank goodness for movies, music, television and my imagination. They've carried me all the way into adulthood, and I'm fine. Okay -- maybe a little unstable, but fine. An ever-evolving work in progress for sure! All the winding and unpaved roads have led me to this moment.
And you know what? The “I know, what I know, what I know” girl has pulled it off.
It’s not just about me though. The kids have all followed suit, and are thriving, productive and happy. I’m so proud of the people they’ve become and continue to be. They have found their way, and in the process learned the lessons of giving back, the power of compassion, and the integrity in helping others.
As I pull into my driveway, I see my girl Winnie Lu looking out the window at me. I can feel her body and tail wagging as if she’s sitting next to me. I love her so much and I know she loves me too!
Lilly the sitter leaves and it’s me and Winnie. First, I kiss her and ask her how her day was. Then we sit on the couch in the living room, staring at the dust on the well-worn coffee table.
As I look around I can’t help but reminisce about how long of a journey it was to get here. I'm especially happy because I didn't give up. I created viable projects that generate revenue and totally fulfill me, but more importantly they lend help to so many other people.
There’s no castle in all the land, that would make me feel more like a queen at this moment. I draw a smiley face on the dusty table and know that for today, it’s meant to be there.
My sweet Winnie Lu Winnie has had enough of the sentimental Kumbaya, and now her momma needs to feed her. She follows me into the kitchen and our normal routine ensues. I love the sound of her tags clanging against the dog bowl, inspite of the luxurious long ears that get in the way as she eats.
As I grab the Noodlerama salad that I bought from the HealthNut, I spot the Cherry Mash Mounds my
sister threw into my purse. I owe her! This is gonna be a feast and I head to my bedroom. It's time for
sweats, sweets, and salad. Say that ten times!
Just as I turn the tv on to watch some news, the Puddle Creek Pampers Commercial starts playing.
Timing is everything! I hit record so I can watch it several hundred times more. I can’t even believe I got to work with our first rock star on this commercial. My heart must have stopped several times that day.
Watching the creative process take its form, will go down as an epic triumph. "STOP A LEAK WITH PUDDLE CREEK!" What a battle cry, huh?
And… since I have an in now with Mr. Marx, maybe I can get him to record “Puddle-Byes,” the original lullaby born out of Puddle Creek’s sparkly loins. Forty-five original Puddle Creek songs have been written, and I'm in the process of getting them all recorded and produced. I've enjoyed the music piece so much. La La La!
Winnie Lu saunters into the room her ears still dripping from her water bowl, and jumps onto the bed. She snuggles under the covers, pushes up against me and I can feel wet ears and the warmth radiating from her little Basset body. This is familiar. This is home. We are settling in.
My favorite movie, “The Mirror Has Two Faces,” is ready to start and I pinch myself. Did everything
happen today or am I dreaming? Could it be I'm manifesting destiny and what will happen in the future?
As I watch the movie, I’m totally relaxed. It feels so good to be without any aches in my age appropriate body. I’m strong and healthy and ready to handle whatever happens in my life.
My perfect day… was perfect for me. It doesn't matter if I'm awake or sleeping, I know I'm right where I should be.
Lights out and cut. It's a wrap!
P.S. - This is what a perfect Puddle Creek day might look like. What would your day look like? We aren't affiliated with Procter & Gamble, Richard Marx, or any other Rock Stars... YET! We appreciate your support and consistent love. You never know when you'll see a new animated series, or a feature length film called, "Adventures in Puddle Creek." Stay tuned!
DREAM BIG and do the work! Always remember that kindness counts and "it's all about heart." 💖
Forever Chasing Rainbows,
The Cast and Crew of Adventures in Puddle Creek
P.S. - Thank you to our friends at StudioPros-Los Angeles.
A pouch in the back of the pillow can carry pajamas, blankets, or other fun items!
Mr. Mole Leisure Wear
Converse - P.C. Stompers